Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

A New Year is upon us! Let's endeavor to put our best foot forward to stride purposefully and confidently into 2011. Whether your resolution is to put more effort into your studies, give back to others, work diligently to honor your parents, or just eat less sugar, I hope that you give it your all!

At the stroke of midnight, my family will be praying for you and your family. I love each of you!

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 2010

Dear Students,

I pray that each one of you will have a blissful Christmas- focused on the gifts that really matter.

May God bless you and your family!

With much love,
Mrs. P

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 14- Update

Operation Warm the Heart (Hands & Feet) of a Soldier was a great success!

Each student prepared a note Daryl, which was packed among the items.

A hearty thank-you to everyone who participated.

We ended up with 6 boxes!
Your generosity will go a long way to cheering the spirit of a soldier who is far
from his home and family!

Special thanks to Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Baylor and Mrs. Owens, who contributed

money toward the shipping costs.


Emails have been sent regarding the Blue Book, Progress Reports, White
Elephant Gift Exchange, and the intended schedule of seminar/events for our
final day. Be sure to check with your parents regarding the contents of those

Please contact me with any questions!

:) Hugs!

Monday, November 15, 2010

I count EACH OF YOU among my blessings...

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
God bless you and your family!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Operation Warm the Heart (hands&feet) of a Solider

Supply List Updates- (Remember, we will box these up on 11/29- the week after Thanksgiving)
The following items have been taken from the list below.

Tommy= socks and hand warmers
Joshua= cookies and snacks
Cassidy= Axe, batteries & canned skyline dip

Caleb=batteries,pudding cups, hard candy, cheese&cracker thingys
Molly= gloves and non-melting candy
Tori=pizza kits, dried fruit and fruit cups
Natalie= long johns + candy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 12

Everyone already knows the particulars of your assignments this week. Don't forget to work with your parents to refine and focus your science fair research question before you begin to write about the science behind your project. :)

As we discussed in class, we'd like to put together a package for Cameron Bein's brother, who is serving in Afghanistan. In addition to the letter each student will write, we hope everyone can bring at least one item off the suggested list below. If you want to share with each other what you'd like to bring, that would probably help avoid a lot of repeats. If we send him 11 bottles of Axe, he might develop a complex! :)

We will pray for him and all of the soldiers as we box the items as a class activity on 11/29. I will ship the box out the next morning to ensure it arrives in time for Christmas.

"Operation Warm the Heart ( and hands and feet) of a Soldier"

Suggested Items:

· Non-Melting Candy

Licorice, sour patch kids, starburst, etc.

· Fruit:

Canned fruit--it must be pop top

Fruit in those lunch-type plastic containers

Dried fruit

· Boot socks

Black or brown

Man's shoe size 10

· Gloves (gets very cold there)

Man's size: LARGE

· Hand warmers

Must be the disposable ones; he has no way to reactivate the boil kind.

· Axe body wash

Any scent

· Applesauce or pudding cups

Any flavor

· Cookies

Your favorite

Oreos, etc.

· Batteries

Must be unopened AA or AAA in original packages

· Long johns

Top and bottom

Men's size: MEDIUM

Electrolyte Powder Packs

Boxed Pizza Kits (Chef Boyardee, etc.)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Science Fair

I have compiled these links to address specific stages of your science fair project. I want you to be successful in your efforts, and I want you to follow the protocol so that you put your best foot forward, regardless of the nature of your topic and the outcome of the judging.

Please take the time to browse these pages for helpful instruction and good luck! :)



Help for writing it:

Tips for composing your bibliography:


Steps to your hypothesis:

Understanding variables:

Basics of:



Developing your materials list:

Conducting the experiment:




Your final report:

Creating your abstract:

Designing your display board:

Preparing for judging:

From the judge's perspective:


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 11

I want to thank you all for your attention and hard work today. You were fully engaged, and your contributions made all the difference in the seminars. It warmed my heart!

The Chariot Races were well-represented. I love that you developed competitive strategies and still maintained your good sportsmanship. Your parents would've been so proud!

You split yourself up into your own Affirmative and Negative teams for debate next week. I hope you appreciated having that freedom. Prepare for your respective roles so that you can contribute to your team.

I was very impressed by your in-class descriptive essays. What you were able to produce in that short time frame should convince each one of you that you are able to write well! As you re-read Crispin, be aware of any descriptive passages where the author "paints with his words." Don't forget to take notes toward your assignment. Remember, we're training to become more efficient workers so that our time is freed up for the things we enjoy.

It was intriguing to watch you take, "Do crickets prefer a light or dark environment?" from the research question through all of the stages of the Scientific Method to draw a conclusion. I hope that was fun for you, but I also hope that having that hands-on opportunity provided you with the modeling you need to pursue your own experiments/projects with vigor!

Remember to take a few background notes on your project this week. If you're using the web site I suggested, those will be easy to find. If you're using a book on experiments, there should be some of those details listed, as well. Utilize your source(s) and then bring them with you to class so that we can work on your background/research draft together. The goal is to equip and empower you with all that you need. :)

We're called to "do hard things" in our life. I expect so much out of you only because you are capable of that and more. You are each uniquely gifted and precious; God created you with His Own Magnificent Hands, which means that YOU are a work of ART. (I can see the boys assuming "The Thinker" pose now. lol) In all seriousness, I do hope you realize the love and support you have from your family, from your fellow Challenge classmates, and from me. You totally rock. I believe in you--please believe in yourself!

"If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so miraculous at all." -Michelangelo

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 10

This morning, the students dove into their Scientist Shoebox Exam. I was so pleased
with the shoebox projects! Many students really got into this project, and it showed!

Most performed very well on the exam portion.
4 students received a perfect score.
They were:
  • Tori Bond
  • Joshua Lemon
  • Molly Moorhead
  • Audrey Ohler


After the exam, the students voted for the box they felt contained the most creative
and most challenging clever clues.

"Most Creative" went to Molly Moorhead.
"Most Challenging" went to Audrey Ohler.
Both students received a $10 Graeter's gift card.

Later, in Latin, the students divided into 3 teams to review their knowledge of nouns:

--Team Team (Cassidy, Josh, Molly, Caleb)
--Team 3T (Audrey, Savannah, Collin)
--Team Skills (Cameron, Tori, Tommy)

It was a very close competition, but in the end, Team Team won by a point.
Kudos to that crew, and props to Collin who showed off his BB skills in "Trashketball!"

The students should prepare for an intense round of "Chariot Games" next week.

Everyone knows the specifics of the assignments, because we discussed them at
length and wrote them down during class. You're armed and ready for homework.
Get crackin'!

Have an awesome week!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 9 Recap

Research (Science)
  • Remember to keep your report on Einstein's Theory of Relativity on the light side. (Get it? The light side??!! Well, I thought it was funny........)
  • Find 3 sources (2 must be books; only 1 may be internet and NEVER wikipedia or any wiki-site!)
  • Read page 57 in your WAG for specific instructions on this assignment.
  • YOUR SHOEBOX EXAM IS NEXT WEEK! Complete your own box according to the directions I sent home weeks ago, and study up on the scientists so that you can figure out which box matches which scientist. There will be no "word bank" with the scientists names, so come prepared. Remember, there will be 2 prizes awarded. Again, refer to your instruction page for details. This should be lots of fun, so don't let your classmates down by bringing in a sloppy version of your Shoebox.

Grammar (Latin)

I know that you all wrote down your new Latin Assignment in your WAG, but this I'm reposting the information for your parents' reference:

  • Memorize the 1st Declension endings
  • Memorize the three 1st Declension exceptions (nauta, agricola, poeta)
  • Using the sample you took home, make flashcards for nouns 1-46 in your LNST book.
  • Complete exercise on page 26 to review your knowledge of verbs.
  • *For those of you who didn't complete the task, finish highlighting/marking declension # on the nouns in your LNST book. You will use those nouns to create your flashcards.*

Exposition (Lit and Comp)

This week, you will read "Where the Red Fern Grows."

  • Complete your Story Chart (make copies of the blank one I gave you for future use)
  • Take notes toward next week's essay **REMEMBER THAT THE ESSAY HAS BEEN CHANGED. See details below.**

On Week 10, this will be your essay topic: Romans 8:28 (God Works for the Good of Those Who Love Him)

Billy found ways to make money; he worked tirelessly and patiently to EARN those coon dogs. He diligently trained them and lovingly cared for them. His dogs brought him a great deal of happiness, but they also brought trials of pain and grief. Describe how God used all that happened- even the sad and tragic events - to answer the prayers and needs of him and his family.

You'll type a 5 paragraph essay. (Intro, Body, Conclusion) *If you take the optional paragraph, it'll be a 6 paragraph essay.

Here's a sample of the body paragraphs:

I. Cite instances when Billy and his family prayed. What did they need/want/ask for? What does God tell us about prayer?

II. Discuss Billy's grief over the loss of his dogs. What did Billy learn from the sad experience? How did he grow?

III. In what specific ways did God use all that happened in Billy's life to benefit him and his family? How did he answer their prayers?

IV. *Optional* Describe a difficult challenge/rough experience/loss you've faced. What did you learn and how did you grow as a person and a Christian as a result?


You have 2 options for homework this week.

  • Option 1: Complete a Current Event form for "The Persecuted Church." Your article must be within the past year and may not be the 2 incidents I referenced in Nigeria.
  • Option 2: Write a response to the two questions on page 31. It needs to be typed.

The 1st 1/2 of the semester is complete; you've all had time to adjust to the schedule and workload. From here on out, UNLESS YOUR PARENTS EXCUSE YOU, I will not accept homework that is not turned in on the day it's due. It will be marked as a zero, and that will be reflected in your Progress Report. You've had a nice, lengthy grace period, so be sure to prepare your backpack with all of your homework and books before Monday morning.

From now on, "I don't have it with me," will have to be accompanied by a parent's excuse. ;)

I hope you're all able to get out and enjoy the pretty weather this week!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Notes from WK 7

RE: Research (Science)

Miss Molly completed her science research and experiment. With a few ordinary materials (a battery, copper wire, cardboard, paper clips and a nail), Molly created a WORKING telegraph machine. How cool is THAT?!



(Morse Code)

RE: Exposition (Literature and Composition)

You did a nice job converting sentences with poor parallel structure yesterday!
Remember that parallel structure refers to the balance of a sentence- ensuring the similarity of words, phrases, or clauses in a list or series.

Reviewing poor parallel construction:

Jeremy likes canoeing, swimming and to draw.


Jeremy likes canoeing, swimming and drawing.

Good parallel construction samples:

The class is not only fun but also helpful.

Peter drives quickly and aggressively.

To dream the impossible dream. To fight the unbeatable foe.

As we learned in our break-out sessions, parallelism can also take place with phrases.
However, this type of parallel structure can be more difficult to recognize, as the sentences are more complex.

Wither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God, my God. Ruth 1:16

Several days passed. Several weeks. Several months. Life had returned to normal. A wind of calmness and reassurance blew through our houses. The traders were doing good business, the students lived buried in their books, and the children played in the streets.

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

FINAL THOUGHT: Just remember those parallel lines from the board (and the equal sign) as a visual for balancing your words with parallel structure! :)


While I try to review all of the assignments for each seminar, there is not always time to spend on that task, especially now that we are further along in the year and have a lot of material to cover. Nonetheless, if we do not have the chance to read aloud every aspect of every assignment, it is all written down in print for you in your WAG.

Remember that unless we advise you otherwise, your weekly assignments are all detailed within your assignment guide, so refer to it.

The only changes that have been made have been in Latin, and you are writing those changes right in your WAG. Review the assignments in your WAG with your parents every Tuesday, so that you can collaborate on a homework schedule for the week.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

WK 6 Recap

Thanks to Collin, who celebrated his birthday by sharing cupcakes with everyone, and to his mother, who baked them for the class. Additional thanks to Miss Audrey, who made guacamole as a special treat when she presented her classification chart on the avocado.

You all did a spectacular job on your classification charts!! I hope you enjoyed sharing them. I will be posting pictures of you and your chart on this page. Everyone should have the opportunity to see your creations.

By now you know the name of the scientist you've been assigned. I suggest you begin thinking about that project now. You'll be graded on your shoebox as well as your performance on the exam.

Aside from finishing your verb conjugation charts (each verb should be conjugated in present, imperfect and future tense), there were no adjustments made in your assignments this week.

Don't forget to study for your Logic quiz! That's not something you can cram for hours prior to the exam. Quality effort = Quality results!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Classification Chart- Living Things List

The following living things have been taken and are no longer available for selection:

  • Koala Bear

  • Venus Flytrap

  • Flying Snake

  • Platypus

  • Avocado
  • Bamboo
  • Egg and Bacon Plant
  • Aye-Aye
  • Fly Orchid
  • Mexican Wolf
  • Bird of Paradise
  • Bilby
  • Giant Squid
  • Honey Mushroom
  • Quetzal
  • Calypso Fairy Slipper
  • Snow Plant
  • Tazmanian Devil
  • Tree Lizard
  • Corpse Flower
  • Komodo Dragon

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 5


Study for your Latin quiz on Monday. It'll cover exactly what we've been doing in class for the past 3 weeks.

Our Current Event topic for the week is the Gun Control issue.
Locate an article and conduct an analysis of that article, using a Current Event form.
Remember, only ONE Current Event form need be completed.

To assist you in your research, I've found a link containing a plethora of information:

Don't forget that the Hamilton County Library has a database for current events,as well, and that can be accessed from your home- provided you have a library card there. If you don't have a library card, get thyself to a branch and acquire one. You have to be an Ohio resident, but you needn't live in Hamilton County.

*The requirement sheet for your Research (Science) homework was sent via email attachment.

As promised, in lieu of a research report, you will create a Classification Chart this week.

Your chart may be formatted any way you wish, PROVIDED IT CONTAINS THE NECESSARY DATA described in the attachment, so pay attention and follow directions.

You have no writing assignments this week, so take the time to catch up and study.

In addition to your books and completed assignments, I suggest you bring your good behavior and manners on Monday.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 4: Back in the Saddle, Again!

G'day, B'ers:

It was hard to get back in the groove following a holiday, but we did our best, didn't we?

A few words about your homework:

  1. The point of turning in homework is helping you better understand the subject you're studying, provide you with opportunities to understand time management and stick to deadlines, as well as providing you with some outside accountability.

  2. Please don't tell me that you "forgot" or that you "didn't know" what your assignment was. Do not rely on your memory with regard to your assignments. We go over assignments every week together- including the modifications we make, so refer to your WAG, and you will not have those issues in the future.

  3. Pack your bag on Saturday or Sunday so that you won't come to class w/o your homework.

  4. Do everything you can to keep your homework current, or you will exhaust yourself playing catch-up.

Last week would've been a perfect time to catch up on any missed assignments and work ahead, but some of you are more behind coming into this week than you were before. As a result, you will have A LOT of work to complete this week. I have sent your parents an email with the assignment modifications so that they have a reference, as well.

For those of you who did work ahead, I'm incredibly proud of you! You'll find the upcoming weeks more meaningful and less stressful.

Because, and only because, we were coming off a holiday week, I am posting these homework reminders for you.


1) Study 1st and 2nd Conjugation flashchards daily
**Some students still have yet to complete their verb flashcards, which will make studying them difficult.

2) Sing/Chant the "Personal Endings" and "Verb Cadence" 4x each day

3) Select 5 new verbs from cards to Conjugate in Present Tense each day (total of 20)
**Some students did not complete this assignment from last week, and therefore, will have double the work to catch up.

4) Use the verbs from last week's homework to conjugate in IMPERFECT Tense
(total of 20)

*Correct the missed/incomplete answers on your Latin quiz. Bring them in with you next week.


Remember that unless you are otherwise instructed, you are to follow the guidelines and the checklist I handed out in class for any writing assignment. This means that you will have to make copies of the checklist I distributed any time you have a writing assignment.

REGARDLESS of what it says in the WAG, you are to always have a minimum of 3 sources for your research. 2 must be books/texts and 1 may be an internet site, provided it's not a wikipedia (or wiki-anything) page. Wikipedia is strictly forbidden.

1) Gather resources on Pascal
2) Use those resources to come up with 20 notecards (1 fact per card)
3) Organize/sort notecards by topic
4) Use those notecards to create an outline (we walked thru this today in class)
5) Write your paper, following the guidelines on the checklist/handouts

*Tips on how to write notecards are found in the WAG (Science section in the back) and on the handouts I distributed. We went over all of this today.

We reviewed Outlining Basics today. You will find that preparing and using an outline for any type of writing project will help you create a stronger and more organized paper.

Here's a link that helps you formulate your ideas/thoughts into outlines. I expect you to use this as a tool, not as a crutch. :)

NOTE: I have the link posted in this entry, however, should you need to reference it in the future, simply access it via the "References: WebSites" section on this page.

DEBATE (Current Events)

1. Complete the Current Event form this week as usual.

2. In addition, look up the research you need to be prepared for the mini-debate over the Resolution: "Internet access should be banned at public libraries."

EXPOSITION (Lit and Comp)

1. Write your paper as outlined and discussed in class.

2. We discussed symbolism again this week, and you recognized that some of the symbolism in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe is obvious:
Aslan/ Jesus
White Witch/Satan

Your challenge for the week is to select 1 or more of the following characters/items
Mr. Tomnus
Lucy's Healing Potion
The beavers
The Door (the wardrobe door)

Because symbolism can be subjective, remember that you need only write down what you think the item/character symbolizes and WHY you think that to be true. There can be several different interpretations for those items. :)



You are entirely capable of completing everything that is assigned to you. You have to CHOOSE to do the work.

I will be bringing in a treat next week, but you'll have to "earn" it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

30 August

Greetings Brilliant B-ers!

Let us remember all week the prayer requests spoken today.

We covered a lot of ground today in each seminar. I applaud those of you who are really participating in class. There will be incentives and privileges given to those who wear "The Coolness Crown," so keep that in mind.

You have all made the assignment adjustments in your WAG, so you know what to accomplish this week.

I want to cover 3 topics:
  • Latin
  • Research (Scientists)
  • Homework/Time Management
Be not stressed over Latin. We are learning how to study a language this year. You are not learning how to master a language this year.

You will not understand everything in a week or two. You won't even understand EVERYTHING about Latin in a year or two. Just follow the instructions I've given you, drill your verb flashcards, chant/sing those songs, and complete your assignments. Those nuggets of information become pegs of data in your brain, and every time you revisit that information, you're pounding that peg in deeper. I realize that that sounds incredibly violent, but so are our Latin verbs, right?!

Do the work, and you'll find that every week will get easier because you are constantly practicing!

Remember our "roller coaster ride" analogy from Literature analysis? The same can be applied to Latin or Logic or Algebra....or to ANY course of study that is challenging. It takes a while to climb that hill, but once you make it to the crest, the ride back is a fun one- unless you don't like roller coasters at all. :)

Select books AT OR BELOW your grade level when researching the scientists.
Remember that I told you to use your younger siblings books? It is neither necessary nor a good use of your time to select complicated books for your research. Pick the simple ones- even the ones that have pictures. If you become fascinated by a particular scientist once your report is complete, then by all means, select more complex resources to further your study. :)

We have no seminar next week; our campus will be closed in observance of Labor Day. I know it can be tempting to slack this week because you feel that you have two weeks to do the work. I heard one or two comments along those lines. HOWEVER, I URGE YOU NOT TO SLACK. As I said earlier (and repetitively), if you work hard this week to complete your WK 3 assignments, you can spend some time next week working ahead and STILL enjoy some time off!

A couple of you have already been struggling to complete every assignment. The work is going to keep coming, so if you get behind now, you will feel as though you're digging your way out of an avalanche. This is why time management is so key to your success. Finding six hours every day to do your schoolwork should NOT be a challenge.

Additionally, don't forget that September 6th is the only week off until November 22nd, so if you work ahead in as many areas as you can, you will discover that not only are the seminars more meaningful, you will have also built in a bit of a homework cushion for yourself. Think about it. You're a smart crew, so use your time wisely.

If you are wondering what type of work you can do, here are some suggestions:

  • EXPOSITION: Work on your essay for The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. (You can write your outline, write your 1st/2nd drafts, or complete the entire thing!)
  • RESEARCH: Read up on Pascal and work on writing your note cards (refer to page 56 in your WAG and the handout I gave you in class)
  • LATIN: Drill your flashcards and/or work on creating additional verb charts.
  • RHETORIC: Study your terms. Reading the next chapter or two in your Logic book.
  • LOGIC: Work ahead on a math lesson or two.

Making the adjustment to such a heavy workload can be daunting at first, but if you stay the course and do the work, you'll find the payoff is far greater than you expect. I believe in you, and I know that you're capable, mighty homework warriors! :)

"Nihil sine labore!"

Monday, August 16, 2010

16 August, Week 1

The first day is outta' the way and everyone survived! The first couple of weeks are a bit atypical, and you were presented with a great deal of information today. Mrs. Eichert and I are happy to see that your minds are ready for action.

Check out some photos from today:

A quick word from Mrs. P:

Remember that you must put yourself on a homework schedule and STICK TO IT all week. If you fall behind now, you'll be frantically trying to catch up for the rest of the year. The tips we are discussing in class are designed to help you become a more efficient worker so that you have the time (and energy) to do the things you enjoy.

Before you begin your homework, take a moment to review your notes from class and familiarize yourself with the objective for each seminar. Look over the specifics of the assignment in your WAG and develop a "Plan of Attack" for each task. If you need help, seek your parents' advice. Do the work; Stay the course. You are extremely capable young people, so rock it out!


From Mrs. Eichert-

Rhetoric (Logic book):

Great job thinking today!
Here are a few reminders for completing your weekly Rhetoric assignments this year:

I. Read the lessons:

  • Read title
  • Read key points/vocabulary in the margins
  • Read the summary at the end of the chapter
  • Start at the beginning and read the chapter in entirety
  • Complete exercises at the end of each lesson (as noted in your Assignment Guide)

2. Memorize the vocabulary:

  • Study all of the vocabulary every day – about 7-10 minutes
  • Choose a method for vocabulary study, such as::
    i. Flashcards
    ii. Glossary/Vocabulary List (organized by lesson, not alphabetically)
    iii. (search “nance” for Intro Logic).

You can put the vocabulary from the lessons in a number of different formats for study. (There is a charge for some of the print options.)

Logic (Saxon Math):
Complete homework as noted in the assignment guide.
Complete your math assignments on graph paper, as we discussed in class. Work neatly! Remember to complete the optional “Math Challenge” for a small surprise next Monday!

Monday, August 9, 2010

1st Assignment

Your "official" first assignment is due on 8/16:
  1. Complete pages 10 and 11 in your WAG (Weekly Assignment Guide).
  2. Present me with a completed and signed copy of those pages. *Keep original in WAG.*
  3. As explained on page 22, you need to bring in a copy of the Hippocratic Oath for discussion.

Your "strongly suggested" assignments are as follows:

1. Designate a STUDY SPACE. (Key words: Well-lit, desk, chair, quiet)

Ask your parents to help you find a well-lit spot that is as quiet/free from distractions as possible, with a table or desk large enough to spread out your work/materials. A comfy chair is important, too! Remember: NO HAND HELD ELECTRONICS OR TECH DEVICES NEAR YOUR WORK SPACE. Don't even turn them on- not even on vibrate. :)

2. Establish a SCHEDULE. (Key words: Planner, 2-hr intervals, timer, breaks)

The WAG provides a list of assignments and due dates, but does not provide a method for scheduling your homework. You know you'll have at least 6 hours of homework each day, so you will need to schedule time for that and also to complete chores, attend music or sports practices/games, and any other events. Refer to the document "Challenge B: Sample Assignment Schedule" which is located in that green folder handed to your parents. Try to develop a schedule on your own, and ask your parents to help you look for holes or iron out any wrinkles. Remember not to work for more than 2 hour intervals and to schedule a break that includes a snack, stretch or quick walk. *Avoid the tech/electronic devices during your breaks.

3. Organize those binders. (Key words: Tab dividers, 3-hole pocket folder; 3 hole punch)

Decide what notebook system is going to work for you. Whether you have individual binders for each subject or develop a different method, consider tabbing the subjects into these basic sections: Homework/Assignments; My Notes; Quizzes/Tests; References; Paper *no more than 15-20 sheets of paper at a time. Keeping your notes, assignments and returned quizzes organized makes studying for tests/blue book exams much easier! Remember to develop the habit of not checking off your assignment as finished until it's in your binder and the binder is in your backpack.

Spending 20 minutes on each of these items now will save you 20+ hours of stress later. Being organized is NOT about being a neat freak or a perfectionist. It's about developing a system and a routine. Once you have that in place (and stick to it) you'll work more efficiently,which will provide you with more free time to do the things you enjoy! Now I ask you, how can that be a bad thing?!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Be Prepared!


Ready or not, the year is about to begin! Please bring these items to class with you on 8/16:
  • Bible
  • Weekly Assignment Guide (WAG)
  • Latin workbook & Quizzes/Test Booklet
  • Math text & Answer Key
  • Graph paper w/squares large enough to write in (looseleaf or spiral)
  • Shiloh
  • Logic text/workbook & Answer Key
  • A copy of the Hippocratic Oath
  • A signed copy of Pgs. 10 & 11 from your WAG
  • Writing utensils and highlighter
  • Paper for taking notes
  • Notebook(s) for organizing work
  • Assignments due
  • Bottled water & healthy snack
  • Lunch

Please get plenty of rest the night before. Don't skip breakfast! ;)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Welcome, Challenge B students and families!
This site will provide you with information about upcoming events, homework & study tips, and additional resources which may be of use to you. We'll also post snapshots of our "Educational Voyage" as we go along, so stay tuned. :)