Monday, August 9, 2010

1st Assignment

Your "official" first assignment is due on 8/16:
  1. Complete pages 10 and 11 in your WAG (Weekly Assignment Guide).
  2. Present me with a completed and signed copy of those pages. *Keep original in WAG.*
  3. As explained on page 22, you need to bring in a copy of the Hippocratic Oath for discussion.

Your "strongly suggested" assignments are as follows:

1. Designate a STUDY SPACE. (Key words: Well-lit, desk, chair, quiet)

Ask your parents to help you find a well-lit spot that is as quiet/free from distractions as possible, with a table or desk large enough to spread out your work/materials. A comfy chair is important, too! Remember: NO HAND HELD ELECTRONICS OR TECH DEVICES NEAR YOUR WORK SPACE. Don't even turn them on- not even on vibrate. :)

2. Establish a SCHEDULE. (Key words: Planner, 2-hr intervals, timer, breaks)

The WAG provides a list of assignments and due dates, but does not provide a method for scheduling your homework. You know you'll have at least 6 hours of homework each day, so you will need to schedule time for that and also to complete chores, attend music or sports practices/games, and any other events. Refer to the document "Challenge B: Sample Assignment Schedule" which is located in that green folder handed to your parents. Try to develop a schedule on your own, and ask your parents to help you look for holes or iron out any wrinkles. Remember not to work for more than 2 hour intervals and to schedule a break that includes a snack, stretch or quick walk. *Avoid the tech/electronic devices during your breaks.

3. Organize those binders. (Key words: Tab dividers, 3-hole pocket folder; 3 hole punch)

Decide what notebook system is going to work for you. Whether you have individual binders for each subject or develop a different method, consider tabbing the subjects into these basic sections: Homework/Assignments; My Notes; Quizzes/Tests; References; Paper *no more than 15-20 sheets of paper at a time. Keeping your notes, assignments and returned quizzes organized makes studying for tests/blue book exams much easier! Remember to develop the habit of not checking off your assignment as finished until it's in your binder and the binder is in your backpack.

Spending 20 minutes on each of these items now will save you 20+ hours of stress later. Being organized is NOT about being a neat freak or a perfectionist. It's about developing a system and a routine. Once you have that in place (and stick to it) you'll work more efficiently,which will provide you with more free time to do the things you enjoy! Now I ask you, how can that be a bad thing?!

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