Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 5


Study for your Latin quiz on Monday. It'll cover exactly what we've been doing in class for the past 3 weeks.

Our Current Event topic for the week is the Gun Control issue.
Locate an article and conduct an analysis of that article, using a Current Event form.
Remember, only ONE Current Event form need be completed.

To assist you in your research, I've found a link containing a plethora of information:

Don't forget that the Hamilton County Library has a database for current events,as well, and that can be accessed from your home- provided you have a library card there. If you don't have a library card, get thyself to a branch and acquire one. You have to be an Ohio resident, but you needn't live in Hamilton County.

*The requirement sheet for your Research (Science) homework was sent via email attachment.

As promised, in lieu of a research report, you will create a Classification Chart this week.

Your chart may be formatted any way you wish, PROVIDED IT CONTAINS THE NECESSARY DATA described in the attachment, so pay attention and follow directions.

You have no writing assignments this week, so take the time to catch up and study.

In addition to your books and completed assignments, I suggest you bring your good behavior and manners on Monday.

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