Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mock Trial- HW clarification

Hello, Brilliant B'ers!

There was plenty of love to go around yesterday......the love of sugar! :)
Candies and cupcakes and cookies.....oh my! Thanks for sharing your treats and more importantly- your kindness with each other.

A hearty "THANK YOU!" is extended to Mrs. Millard, who gave us a most excellent lesson in proper table etiquette. It was fun to able to practice some of those newly-acquired skills on berries and cake, was it not?? I hope that you delight your family with your fresh and fabulous new table manners. Remember, Protocol is not just a fun night out. The entire process is designed to equip you with a life-long skill set which distinguishes you from others as potential leaders and ambassadors of Christ.

A word about the Mock Trial Assignment-
I have thoroughly exhausted the rules of MT, and the only reference made to time is on page 3, which only addresses that participants must be in the courtroom 30 minutes prior to the trial. There is no "timekeeper" role, so I will consult a CC official and the judge. I will share those results with you on Monday.

Until then, keep your assignment of preparing an opening statement to no longer than 2 minutes. You'll want to present a lucid and logical position. You may use persuasive language, but be careful not to get drawn into histrionics or hyperbole. (See pg. 12 of MT for more info)

Consider this strategy to your assignment:

1. Ponder the discussions we've enjoyed in class and review all of the evidence.

2. If YOU were Counsel for the Defense, would you present Barbara Barrett as

  • Not Guilty (reasonable doubt)

  • Not Guilty by reason of self defense

  • Not Guilty by reason of insanity/BWS

3. Once you decide on that position, then you should sketch out the reasons you could list to support your position.

4. When you have those thoughts in place, you can begin to compose your opening statement.

As with any writing assignment, you should print up a rough draft, check for typo's/errors and then have someone else read it to ensure that your properly expressed that which you intended.

*Remember- this is just a homework exercise. You don't have to have the case figured out, neither do the actual defense attorneys have to maintain the position they present for this particular assignment. It's yet another exercise in examining the case from all angles- whether you personally believe Mrs. Barrett is guilty or not.

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