Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 14- Update

Operation Warm the Heart (Hands & Feet) of a Soldier was a great success!

Each student prepared a note Daryl, which was packed among the items.

A hearty thank-you to everyone who participated.

We ended up with 6 boxes!
Your generosity will go a long way to cheering the spirit of a soldier who is far
from his home and family!

Special thanks to Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Baylor and Mrs. Owens, who contributed

money toward the shipping costs.


Emails have been sent regarding the Blue Book, Progress Reports, White
Elephant Gift Exchange, and the intended schedule of seminar/events for our
final day. Be sure to check with your parents regarding the contents of those

Please contact me with any questions!

:) Hugs!

Monday, November 15, 2010

I count EACH OF YOU among my blessings...

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
God bless you and your family!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Operation Warm the Heart (hands&feet) of a Solider

Supply List Updates- (Remember, we will box these up on 11/29- the week after Thanksgiving)
The following items have been taken from the list below.

Tommy= socks and hand warmers
Joshua= cookies and snacks
Cassidy= Axe, batteries & canned skyline dip

Caleb=batteries,pudding cups, hard candy, cheese&cracker thingys
Molly= gloves and non-melting candy
Tori=pizza kits, dried fruit and fruit cups
Natalie= long johns + candy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 12

Everyone already knows the particulars of your assignments this week. Don't forget to work with your parents to refine and focus your science fair research question before you begin to write about the science behind your project. :)

As we discussed in class, we'd like to put together a package for Cameron Bein's brother, who is serving in Afghanistan. In addition to the letter each student will write, we hope everyone can bring at least one item off the suggested list below. If you want to share with each other what you'd like to bring, that would probably help avoid a lot of repeats. If we send him 11 bottles of Axe, he might develop a complex! :)

We will pray for him and all of the soldiers as we box the items as a class activity on 11/29. I will ship the box out the next morning to ensure it arrives in time for Christmas.

"Operation Warm the Heart ( and hands and feet) of a Soldier"

Suggested Items:

· Non-Melting Candy

Licorice, sour patch kids, starburst, etc.

· Fruit:

Canned fruit--it must be pop top

Fruit in those lunch-type plastic containers

Dried fruit

· Boot socks

Black or brown

Man's shoe size 10

· Gloves (gets very cold there)

Man's size: LARGE

· Hand warmers

Must be the disposable ones; he has no way to reactivate the boil kind.

· Axe body wash

Any scent

· Applesauce or pudding cups

Any flavor

· Cookies

Your favorite

Oreos, etc.

· Batteries

Must be unopened AA or AAA in original packages

· Long johns

Top and bottom

Men's size: MEDIUM

Electrolyte Powder Packs

Boxed Pizza Kits (Chef Boyardee, etc.)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Science Fair

I have compiled these links to address specific stages of your science fair project. I want you to be successful in your efforts, and I want you to follow the protocol so that you put your best foot forward, regardless of the nature of your topic and the outcome of the judging.

Please take the time to browse these pages for helpful instruction and good luck! :)



Help for writing it:

Tips for composing your bibliography:


Steps to your hypothesis:

Understanding variables:

Basics of:



Developing your materials list:

Conducting the experiment:




Your final report:

Creating your abstract:

Designing your display board:

Preparing for judging:

From the judge's perspective:


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 11

I want to thank you all for your attention and hard work today. You were fully engaged, and your contributions made all the difference in the seminars. It warmed my heart!

The Chariot Races were well-represented. I love that you developed competitive strategies and still maintained your good sportsmanship. Your parents would've been so proud!

You split yourself up into your own Affirmative and Negative teams for debate next week. I hope you appreciated having that freedom. Prepare for your respective roles so that you can contribute to your team.

I was very impressed by your in-class descriptive essays. What you were able to produce in that short time frame should convince each one of you that you are able to write well! As you re-read Crispin, be aware of any descriptive passages where the author "paints with his words." Don't forget to take notes toward your assignment. Remember, we're training to become more efficient workers so that our time is freed up for the things we enjoy.

It was intriguing to watch you take, "Do crickets prefer a light or dark environment?" from the research question through all of the stages of the Scientific Method to draw a conclusion. I hope that was fun for you, but I also hope that having that hands-on opportunity provided you with the modeling you need to pursue your own experiments/projects with vigor!

Remember to take a few background notes on your project this week. If you're using the web site I suggested, those will be easy to find. If you're using a book on experiments, there should be some of those details listed, as well. Utilize your source(s) and then bring them with you to class so that we can work on your background/research draft together. The goal is to equip and empower you with all that you need. :)

We're called to "do hard things" in our life. I expect so much out of you only because you are capable of that and more. You are each uniquely gifted and precious; God created you with His Own Magnificent Hands, which means that YOU are a work of ART. (I can see the boys assuming "The Thinker" pose now. lol) In all seriousness, I do hope you realize the love and support you have from your family, from your fellow Challenge classmates, and from me. You totally rock. I believe in you--please believe in yourself!

"If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so miraculous at all." -Michelangelo